Flowers from Brazil
by Flower Experts Editor on October 13th
In respect to the international commercial flower market, Brazil is ranked among the forerunners. This is predominantly because the country boasts the largest display of flora found anywhere in the world, so it is able to offer more unique flowers than any other nation. Furthermore, the sheer quantity of flora that is cultivated in Brazil pales in comparison to their aesthetic properties, which are immense to say the least. Indeed,
commercially grown Brazilian flowers are among the most vibrant and colourful in the world.
Commercial cut flowers in Brazil are often cultivated for special festive occasions in the country, making roses, orchids, carnations and begonia extremely popular. In an international context, Brazil is able to capitalise on its unique diversity of flora,
which appeal to foreign buyers enormously. In fact, Brazil's flower export figures have been in the region of $25 million (USD) for almost a decade now and sales are expected to top $100 million before 2010, which makes the country one of the top global producers. The US and the Netherlands remain top purchasers of Brazilian flowers.
The cattleya labiata, which is often known more simply as the corsage orchid, is the national flower of Brazil and features an exceptionally beautiful light purple or pink colour in addition to an exotic scent. Aside from the hundreds of wild flowers that grow
in Brazil, the country is home to so many commercially cut flowers that it would be impractical to list them all. Generally speaking, Brazilian flowers are renowned for their vivid colours and curious shapes – there is, quite literally, something for everyone when it comes to commercial cut flowers from Brazil. Indeed, native Brazilian flowers include camelia rosa, quesnelia testudo, amarilis, tobacco flower, poppy-papaver rhoeas, begonia,
cyclamen persicum, nerium indicium and the exotically named nymphaea odorota.
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