Mother's Day facts
by Dave Marshall on March 13th
Mother's Day is one day in every year which is set aside for families to honour and celebrate their mothers. This day takes place all over the world, though Mother's Day happens on different days in different countries, as in different countries the concept of a Mother's Day has different origins.
In the United Kingdom we celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent, exactly three Sundays before Easter, meaning it falls on a different date every year. Mother's Day in the UK can fall as early as 1st March, and as late as 4th April. Mother's Day here is believed to originate from the 16th century Christian practice of visiting one's 'mother church' annually. On this Sunday employers would release their apprentices and maids so that they could return to their home town and visit their 'mother church', and this was often an occasion when mothers would be reunited with children after a considerable period of absence. Many British people no longer perceive Mothering Sunday to be a religious holiday, but rather solely a day to honour one's mother. Click on this Clare Florist link and view a great selection of Mothers Day flowers.
In the majority of North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Mother's Day falls on the Second Sunday of May, though all of these countries have different ways of celebrating. In North America Mother's Day was initially intended as a day to call women to unite against war, and it is traditional to wear a red or pink carnation on this day.
In Japan, on the other hand, Mother's Day was originally a commemoration of the Empress Kojun, and in China Mother's Day was initially established as a day to help poor mothers,
particularly those in rural communities. Alternatively in Mexico, Mother's Day involves a lively church celebration, which includes festive music and the distribution of a traditional early-morning meal to all local mothers.
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